Restoring at Scale > Reservoirs

Restoring at Scale


Mitigation for New Reservoirs

Water use practices continue to evolve as our populations grow. Today’s new reservoirs aim at keeping watersheds healthy while simultaneously serving densely populated areas with a renewable water supply.

These modern new-builds are designed to work in harmony with the watershed, tuning water releases to address environmental needs, sustain flows, and support fish passage.


Due to their large footprints, building reservoirs often means unavoidable impacts on wetlands, streams, and species habitats.

Mitigating for those impacts requires advance planning of several years. The procurement approach alone can be daunting, along with the technical work of analyzing habitat impacts, securing suitable restoration sites, developing plans, and managing risks.

To these challenges, RES brings its turnkey model and large project bonding capacity. With long-term stewardship that may span decades, RES performance guarantees hold special meaning for these projects.


Before & After

Wetland Pond Buildout


Reservoir Mitigation Takeaways

Restoration Handbook

Bonus Uplift from Scale


Ultra-long-term stewardship

One or a handful of large sites that enable “whole ecosystem” design approach

Turnkey procurement model

Performance bonding

A mega-size, rewilded habitat, perhaps the size of a large state park, under permanent conservation, and restored with nature’s original concepts for land, waters, and wildlife.

Improved water quality across the watershed

Connections to other lands under conservation

Research partnerships that improve regional restoration knowledge